Have you authorised IPF, k.o. yet?

IPF, k.o. manages the rights of all performers' and phonogram producers’ rights holders - including yours.

If you have participated as a performer or a phonogram producer in creating a phonogram published for commercial purposes that has been communicated to the public, you are entitled to receive payment. Furthermore, you should receive payment in case of reproduction of phonograms for private or other internal use. Heirs and other parties the rights have been transferred to are also entitled to receive remuneration.

Since the above mentioned rights may, according to the law, only be managed collectively, IPF, k.o., the only Slovenian collective management organisation with a permit issued by the competent authority to manage such rights, collects the rights revenue from users on behalf of all the performers' and phonogram producers’ rights holders.


Authorize IPF, k.o. and register your performances and phonograms. If you wish to authorize IPF, k.o. as a natural person, please complete the Rightholder mandate form for natural persons. On the other hand, if you wish to authorize IPF, k.o. as a legal entity, kindly complete the Rightholder mandate form for legal entities. Don't forget to indicate whether you are a performers' or phonogram producers’ rights holder.

Based on the provision of Article 19 of ZKUASP and Articles 9 and 13 of the IPF, k.o. Statute, a submission of the mandate form to IPF, k.o. shall also be deemed an application for membership, unless expressly indicated otherwise by the rights holder. IPF, k.o. shall keep up-to-date records of the rights holders that do not wish to become its members, allocate and pay the rights revenue they are entitled to, in the same manner as to its members.

By selecting the WW (World Wide) option, you authorize IPF, k.o. for all the countries with which we have concluded bilateral agreements. Here is the list of all the countries in which IPF, k.o. represents you at this moment.

Legal notices

Notice to the rights holders in accordance with ZKUASP

Pursuant to Article 83 of ZKUASP (Act Regulating Collective Management of Copyrights and Related Rights, published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, no. 63/2016), we are informing the rights holders of their rights under Article 18 of ZKUASP:

Article 18

(Authorisation by a rightholder)

(1) A rightholder shall authorise, in writing, a collective management organisation to manage a particular copyright on a particular copyright work and specify the territories this should apply to, regardless of the Member State of his/her nationality or residence and of that of the registered office of the collective management organisation.

(2) The rightholder may only authorise one collective management organisation to manage a particular copyright on a particular copyright work for a particular territory. The collective management organisation may not manage copyright on a particular copyright work unless authorised by the rightholder.

(3) Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, the competent collective management organisation may manage copyrights without the authorisation of rightholders in the cases referred to in Article 9 of this Act.

(4) Regardless of the authorisation granted to the collective management organisation, rightholders may permit non-commercial uses of their copyright work (for humanitarian, cultural, educational purposes, etc.). The rightholder shall inform the collective management organisation thereof not later than within 15 days of giving such permission.

(5) The collective management organisation shall not refuse to manage the rights referred to in paragraph one of this Article if it manages such categories of rights and types of works in a particular territory.

(6) Rightholders shall have the right to terminate the authorisation referred to in paragraph one of this Article in whole or in part. They shall inform the collective management organisation thereof one month before the termination is to take effect. The statute of the collective management organisation may provide that such termination takes effect at the beginning of the new financial year.

(7) Rightholders shall be entitled to rights revenue collected for their account by the collective management organisation for the use of their works and until the time the termination takes effect. Rightholders who are members of the collective management organisation shall have the same rights as other members of the collective management organisation until the termination takes effect.

(8) The collective management organisation may not make the termination of the authorisation conditional on entrusting the management of a copyright to another collective management organisation.

(9) The collective management organisation shall inform rightholders about their rights under this Article prior to obtaining their authorisation.


Information regarding IPF, k.o. personal data processing provided to data subjects in accordance with GDPR Article 14

Data controller contact details:

IPF, k.o., Argentinska ulica 17, 1000 Ljubljana

E-address: info@ipf.si, pooblascenec.gdpr@ipf.si; Tel: +386 1 52 72 930; Web page: www.ipf.si

Collective management organisation of performers and phonogram producers of Slovenia, k.o. (hereinafter referred to as IPF, k.o. (short company name)) is a collective management organisation, its head office is located at Šmartinska cesta 152, 1000 Ljubljana, its registration number is 1531964000, it is registered in Slovenian Business Register and Court Register, the submission number is 13339200, and is the controller of your personal data.

IPF, k.o. processes personal data according to the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation – hereinafter referred to as GDPR), according to the relevant Personal Data Protection Act (Zakon o varstvu osebnih podatkov), and other personal data protection regulations. IPF, k.o. follows the principles of transparency and careful handling of personal data, respects your right to privacy and protects personal data with the greatest possible care. Your personal data shall be used solely for the purposes it is collected and processed for. IPF, k.o. will take all steps reasonably necessary to protect personal data against any kind of violations and misuse. The technical and organisational measures to protect personal data are further detailed in the internal acts of IPF, k.o.

I. Contact information

If you have any kind of questions regarding personal data processing or you wish to exercise your rights in respect to the personal data processed by IPF, k.o., kindly write to the following address: IPF, k.o., Šmartinska c. 152, 1000 Ljubljana. In case of reasonable doubts regarding your identity, IPF, k.o. may ask for additional information.

For further information regarding exercising your personal data rights you may also contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO) via e-address pooblascenec.gdpr@ipf.si. Our DPO will also answer any questions regarding your data confidentiality, the manner of data collecting and processing, or your request to exercise your personal data rights.

2. Source of personal data processed by IPF, k.o.

IPF, k.o. obtains the personal data of individuals from publicly available sources such as public databases or registers, from other collective management organisations IPF, k.o. has representation agreements with, from registration or use of protected works by natural and legal subjects, from legal subjects or organisations representing right holders and other legal subjects personal data subjects represent or act in their interest.

3. Purpose and legal basis of personal data processing

1. Right holders’ personal data

The legal basis of the right holders’ personal data processing is the provisions of GDPR Article 6 (1) (c), 6 (1) (b) and 6 (1) (f). The personal data (e.g. name, surname, date and place of birth, gender, nationality, state of residence, payment data, etc.) the right holders communicate to IPF, k.o. will be used solely for the purpose they are communicated and processed for:

  • IPF, k.o. performing its legal obligations as a collective management organisation of performers and phonogram producers stated in Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights Act (Official Gazette of the RS, no. 63/2016, ZKUASP) (GDPR Article 6 (1) (c)), to collect, assign and provide remuneration to the right holders,
  • implementing a representation agreement with another collective organisation or subject representing a right holder to collect, assign and provide remuneration (GDPR Article 6 (1) (f)),
  • sharing personal data with our contracting partners to ensure efficient management, administration, business protection and legitimacy (GDPR Article 6 (1) (f)),
  • the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims representing the legitimate interest of IPF, k.o. (GDPR Article 6 (1) (f)),
  • the legal obligation to keep documentation due to the accounting and taxation rules (GDPR Article 6 (1) (c)).

2. Personal data of other subjects

If you represent or act on behalf of a legal entity or another subject, the basis of your personal data (name, surname, contact details) processing is:

  • an agreement with IPF, k.o., for its implementation or the implementation of measures before and for the purpose of concluding the agreement (GDPR Article 6 (1) (b) and (f)),
  • the legal obligation to keep documentation due to the accounting and taxation rules (GDPR Article 6 (1) (c) and (f)),
  • the legitimate interests of IPF, k.o. arising out of the need for the correct identification of people representing the right holders, agreement parties or other subjects, by means of contact with such person (GDPR Article 6 (1) (f)),
  • the establishment, exercise or defence of IPF, k.o. legal claims (GDPR article 6 (1) (f)).

4. Personal data users/ transferring personal data to other subjects

Your personal data shall be used by the authorised IPF, k.o. employees only. When necessary, personal data of a data subject will be disclosed to the (contractual) data processors (accounting, IT providers for the purpose of software service and maintenance, law firms, auditors, postal operators and courier services, etc.) only. For the purpose of managing your rights and asserting your right to remuneration, your personal data will be transferred to other collective management organisations IPF, k.o. has agreements with and is a member of and provide international databases for the collective organisations data exchange. Furthermore, your data may be shared with other subjects only when their obligation to ensure derives from legal provisions or in case of a legitimate interest of IPF, k.o. or a third party. IPF, k.o. shall ensure the scope of information disclosed to such subjects is adequate and necessary to deliver its objectives.

5. Retention period

IPF, k.o. stores personal data and documentation in compliance with legal requirements or until the purpose of data retention is satisfied. After such purpose is satisfied, IPF, k.o. will stop processing and delete the personal data not needed to meet the legal obligations or for establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.

6. Your personal data processing rights

Compliant to the GDPR provisions, IPF, k.o. ensures you are able to exercise your personal data processing rights. Upon your request IPF, k.o. will: (1) issue a confirmation as to whether or not data relating to you is being processed, (2) grant access to your personal data, (3) provide information regarding the data processing (e.g. the purpose of the processing, the type of personal data, the users, the personal data was or will be disclosed to, the expected retention period, technical and organisational measures for data safety, etc.), (4) ensure your inaccurate data be corrected and incomplete personal data be completed, (5) ensure the right to erasure of data, (6)ensure the right to have the processing restricted, (7) ensure the right to data portability and provide data in commonly-used, machine-readable format or provide the data to another controller directly, (8)offer further details regarding the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.

You may exercise all rights by means of a written request to IPF, k.o., the data controller, via e-mail: pooblascenec.gdpr@ipf.si or write to the following address: IPF, k.o., Šmartinska c. 152, 1000 Ljubljana. Upon request of the data subject, IPF, k.o. undertakes to reply without undue delay and within a prescribed period.

In the event of your data protection rights violation, you can lodge a complaint against the data controller with a supervisory authority by writing to the following address: Informacijski pooblaščenec, Zaloška 59, 1000 Ljubljana or via e-mail: gp.ip@ip-rs.si.


To ensure
the payment

of your rights revenue,

please submit 
all data  

Rightholder mandate - PERFORMERS

Please send the form, completed and signed, to our address. Only on the basis of this submitted data we will be able to allocate and pay the rights revenue to which you are entitled as a rights holder. A photocopy of a valid identity document is a mandatory attachment and will be used for identity verification only (the photocopy shall be disposed of afterwards). Please note that the form for natural persons differs from the form for legal entities.

When completing the form, please specify if you wish to become a member of IPF, k.o. Please read below for more information on IPF, k.o. membership.

The form may be digitally signed by means of a digital certificate from one of the following issuers: Sigen-CA, PostaR-CA, Halcom, and NLB-CA (please note that you will be able to sign the form only once it has been saved to your computer). Please send us the digitally signed form by clicking the Send button.

Completing the form in PDF format electronically requires Adobe Reader, which may be downloaded free of charge from: https://get.adobe.com/si/reader/ .

With Google Chrome browser you are advised to first save the form in PDF format in your documents and then open it in Adobe Reader, since Chrome document viewer does not allow inserting text in the form.

If you have none of the above mentioned digital certificates, please print the completed form, sign it manually and send it to our postal address: IPF, k.o., Argentinska ulica 17, 1000 Ljubljana.


The conditions for revoking the mandate

The rights holders may authorise the collective management organisation to manage their rights in a particular work collectively, for a particular territory or a particular type of rights. They may also revoke the mandate in the same manner. The mandate revocation shall take effect after the end of the accounting year.


Please note

By sending the form, you are submitting only the data relevant for the payment of your rights revenue. You should also check if all your works in which you have participated as a performer or for which you hold the rights of a performer have been registered, since only the complete registrations will ensure you receive all the rights revenue you are entitled to. If a recorded performance in which you have participated, has not been registered yet, please submit the data by completing the form Registration of a recording

Rightholder mandate - PHONOGRAM PRODUCERS

Please send the form, completed and signed, to our address. Only on the basis of this submitted data we will be able to allocate and pay the rights revenue to which you are entitled as a rights holder. A photocopy of a valid identity document is a mandatory attachment for natural persons and will be used for identity verification only (the photocopy shall be disposed of afterwards). Please note that the form for natural persons differs from the form for the legal entities.

When completing the form, please specify if you wish to become a member of IPF, k.o. Please read below for more information on IPF, k.o. membership.

The form may be digitally signed by means of a digital certificate from one of the following issuers: Sigen-CA, PostaR-CA, Halcom, and NLB-CA (please note that you will be able to sign the form only once it has been saved to your computer). Please send us the digitally signed form by clicking the Send button.

Completing the form in PDF format electronically requires Adobe Reader, which may be downloaded free of charge from: https://get.adobe.com/si/reader/ .

With Google Chrome browser you are advised to first save the form in PDF format in your documents and then open it in Adobe Reader, since Chrome document viewer does not allow inserting text in the form.

If you have none of the above mentioned digital certificates, please print the completed form, sign it manually and send it to our postal address: IPF, k.o., Argentinska ulica 17, 1000 Ljubljana.


The conditions for revoking the mandate

The rights holders may authorise the collective management organisation to manage their rights in a particular work collectively, for a particular territory or a particular type of rights. They may also revoke the mandate in the same manner. The mandate revocation shall take effect after the end of the accounting year.


Please note

By sending the form, you are submitting only the data relevant for the payment of your rights revenue. You should also check if all your works in which you have participated as a record producer or for which you hold the rights of a record producer have been registered, since only the complete registrations will ensure you receive all the rights revenue you are entitled to. If a recorded performance in which you have participated, has not been registered yet, please submit the data by completing the form Registration of a recording.

IPF, k.o. membership

The general assembly of members shall consist of all IPF, k.o. members. They are classified into two categories according to the type of rights they hold:

  • the performers’ rights holders,
  • the phonogram producers’ rights holders.

In all cases, IPF, k.o. shall prioritise the rights holders exercising their rights directly over the same rights being exercised by a proxy.


Membership requirements – performers

Any performers’ rights holder, a person representing such rights holder, a performers’ rights holders association or another collective management organisation, managing some of the performers’ rights holders’ rights listed in Article 3 of the IPF, k.o. Statute, shall be able to become a member of IPF, k.o. if the following cumulative requirements are satisfied:

  1. the applicant submits a mandate form to IPF, k.o. that includes at least the following data:
    • name, surname and address, or company name and business address,
    • tax ID number, and
  2. at least one of the following requirements is satisfied:
    • the applicant received at least 5.00 € from the performers’ distribution fund for each individual year based on the last three consecutive annual rights revenue distributions, or
    • the applicant holds the performers’ rights in performances fixed in at least 10 phonograms.


Membership requirements – phonogram producers

Any phonogram producers’ rights holder, a person representing such rights holder, a phonogram producers’ rights holders association or another collective management organisation, managing some of the phonogram producers’ rights holders’ rights listed in Article 3 of the IPF, k.o. Statute shall be able to become a member of IPF, k.o. if the following cumulative requirements are satisfied:

  1. the applicant submits a mandate form to IPF, k.o. that includes at least the following data:
    • name, surname and address, or company name and business address,
    • tax ID number, and
  2. at least one of the following requirements is satisfied:
    • the applicant received at least 30.00 € from the phonogram producers’ distribution fund for each individual year based on the last three consecutive annual rights revenue distributions, or
    • the applicant holds the phonogram producers’ rights in at least 100 phonograms.

Please find the Rightholder mandate form for both categories of rights holders at Have you authorised IPF, k.o. yet?


Membership renewal and termination

The membership shall be tacitly renewable. A rights holder shall remain a member until membership termination. The IPF, k.o. membership shall cease in the following cases:

  • death of a member or termination of a legal person that is a member, or
  • termination of IPF, k.o., or
  • membership withdrawal by a member submitting a notice of withdrawal, or
  • non-compliance with the membership requirements defined in IPF, k.o. Statute.

Members and voting rights

In accordance with Article 39 of ZKUASP, we publish regularly the number of our members and the total number of their voting rights.

Number of members

Number of voting rights

The graphs show the number of members and voting rights on 21.02.2025.