How much will I earn?
The rights revenue distribution is performed according to Performers' Rights Revenue Distribution Rules and Phonogram Producers' Rights Revenue Distribution Rules adopted by the general assembly of IPF, k.o. members.
The basic principle of the collected rights revenue distribution among the rights holders is the principle of actual usage, according to which IPF, k.o. aims to ensure the rights revenue collected with respect to the collective management of related rights is distributed among the beneficiaries whose performances in phonograms have actually been used according to the data submitted to IPF, k.o. by users, or IPF, k.o. obtained from freely accessible and/or credible sources (hereinafter referred to as ‘the defined use’).
Only in case the actual usage information is not available (hereinafter referred to as ‘the undefined use’) or the cost of obtaining such information and the rights revenue distribution based on it, considering the nature of the phonogram usage, would be disproportionate with respect to the revenue from such usage, the rights revenue is allocated according to the provisions of Performers' rights revenue distribution rules and Phonogram producers' rights revenue distribution rules defining the distribution of the rights revenue collected on the basis of the undefined use.
The collected rights revenue is distributed within classes according to the type of use (distribution classes). The individual distribution class allocation is performed in accordance with the data on defined use of phonograms in the past exploitation period.
Performers’ rights holders
IIPF, k.o. collects the rights revenue separately for each right and type of use. The collected rights revenue added to the income from investing in bank deposits as a result of managing each individual right and type of use is initially divided into two equal revenue streams:
- a performers’ rights holders’ revenue stream, and
- a phonogram producers’ rights holders’ revenue stream.
Subsequently, in accordance with IPF, k.o. Operating Costs Rules, half of IPF, k.o. costs due to managing an individual performers’ right according to an individual type of use, in addition to other costs of the performers’ rights holders resulting from the management of this right according to an individual type of use (e.g. membership fees for umbrella organisations), is allocated to the performers’ rights holders revenue stream. In compliance with Performers’ Dedicated Fund Rules, part of the remaining performers’ rights holders’ revenue stream may be granted to the Performers’ dedicated fund. The remaining amount represents the performers’ distribution fund of the collected rights revenue from managing an individual right according to an individual type of use.
The rights revenue collected on behalf of the performers’ rights holders by foreign collective management organisations are kept separately and remuneration payments are made according to the allocation reports IPF, k.o. receives from the foreign collective organisations and are not subject to the procedure defined in Article 3(paragraphs 1 and 2) of Performers' Rights Revenue Distribution Rules. Possible costs under this paragraph may be deducted in the same amount from such rights revenue stream and its part may also be allocated to the dedicated funds if so provided in representation agreement with a foreign collective management organisation.
Phonogram producers’ rights holders
IPF, k.o. collects the rights revenue separately for each right and type of use. The collected rights revenue added to the income from investing in bank deposits as a result of managing each individual right and type of use is initially divided into two equal revenue streams:
- da performers’ rights holders’ revenue stream, and
- da phonogram producers’ rights holders’ revenue stream.
Subsequently, in accordance with IPF, k.o. Operating Costs Rules, half of the IPF, k.o. costs due to managing an individual phonogram producers’ right according to an individual type of use, in addition to other costs of the phonogram producers’ rights holders resulting from the management of this right according to an individual type of use (e.g. membership fees for umbrella organisations), is allocated to the phonogram producers’ rights holders revenue stream. In compliance with Phonogram Producers’ Dedicated Fund Rules, part of the remaining phonogram producers’ rights holders’ revenue stream may be granted to the phonogram producers’ dedicated fund.
The remaining amount represents the phonogram producers’ distribution fund of the collected rights revenue from managing an individual right according to an individual type of use.
The rights revenue collected on behalf of the phonogram producers’ rights holders by foreign collective management organisations are kept separately and remuneration payments are made according to the allocation reports IPF, k.o. receives from the foreign collective organisations and are not subject to the procedure defined in Article 3(paragraphs 1 and 2) of Phonogram Producers' Rights Revenue Distribution Rules. Possible costs under this paragraph may be deducted in the same amount from such rights revenue stream and its part may also be allocated to the dedicated funds if so provided in representation agreement with a foreign collective management organisation.