Unregistered recordings

Going through our repertoire, we have noticed that many works have yet to be claimed by their rights holders (beneficiaries); performers  and/ or phonogram producers. Please check the list of all the unregistered recordings below, you may search for a specific recording by entering the following criteria:

  • performer title (naziv izvajalca),
  • recording title (naslov izvedbe).

Enter one of the above (a few letters may suffice) and wait for the search results. For quicker results, you can filter the recordings by origin (local or foreign; domač ali tuj) or type of rights (performer or phonogram producer; izvajalec ali proizvajalec fonograma).

Please check the list for any of the recordings in creation of which you may have participated and register them by using the forms available on this website. The recordings may also be registered via ADMISS. Only thus, we will be able to manage all your rights and make sure you receive the payment you are entitled to.

Kindly note the recordings must be registered by 31 March of the current year to be considered for the prior exploitation period.

Iskalnik neprijavljenih izvedb
Performance Performer
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