Managing your rights abroad
IPF, k.o. protects and manages the rights of the Slovenian and foreign performers and phonogram producers in Slovenia, as well as the rights of the Slovenian performers and phonogram producers abroad. IPF, k.o. already co-operates with numerous foreign collective management organisations and plans to conclude agreements with other organisations abroad. This way, IPF, k.o. can ensure that the foreign performers whose music is broadcasted by Slovenian radio stations and TV channels will receive their rights revenue for the public use of their music in Slovenia.
From the foreign partners, IPF, k.o., on the other hand, receives the rights revenue for the public use of music of the Slovenian performers and phonogram producers abroad, and pays remuneration to the beneficiaries in addition to the regular remuneration payments after the performed distribution.
Agreements of representation with foreign collecting societies – performers
- Austria - LSG - Wahrnehmung von Leistungsschutzrechten GmbH - 01. 12. 2006
- Belgium - PLAYRIGHT - 15. 05 2013
- Bosnia and Herzegovina - AIS - Asocijacija izvođača i svirača - 26. 10. 2021
- Brazil - ABRAMUS - Associação Brasileira de Música e Artes - 16. 11. 2006
- Canada - ACTRA RACS - Recording Artists' Collecting Society - 05. 06. 2015
- Canada - ARTISTI - 04. 01 2013
- Croatia - HUZIP - Hrvatska udruga za zaštitu izvođačkih prava - 14. 12. 2010
- Czech Republic - INTERGRAM - an independent society of performers and producers of phonograms and audiovisual fixations, z.s. - 29. 11. 2017
- Danmark - GRAMEX - 08. 01 2014
- Estonia - EEL - Eesti Esitajate Liit - 24. 05. 2012
- Finland / Suomi - GRAMEX - Esittävien taiteilijoiden ja äänitteiden tuottajien tekijänoikeusyhdistys - 01. 11. 2006
- Georgia - GCA - Georgian Copyright Association - 12. 02. 2019
- Germany - GVL - Gesellschaft zur Verwertung von Leistungsschutzrechten mbH - 02. 07. 2015
- Great Britain - PPL - Phonographic Performance Limited - 17. 05. 2017
- Greece - APOLLON - 24. 05 2012
- Hungary - EJI - Association of the Arts Unions Bureau for the Protection of Performers´ Rights - 26. 03. 2008
- Ireland - RAAP - Recorded Artists Actors Performers - 01. 03. 2011
- Italy - ITSRIGHT s. r. l. - 12. 02 2015
- Japan - CPRA/Geidankyo - Center for Performers' Rights Administration(CPRA), Japan Council of Performers Rights and Performing Arts Organizations(Geidankyo) - 08. 02. 2013
- Kazakhstan - AMANAT - Non-commercial organization on protection of copyright and related rights "AMANAT" - 12. 02. 2016
- Kazahstan - RPО - Kazakhstan Association on protection the rights of performers - 01. 03. 2011
- Kosovo - APIK - 08. 07. 2014
- Latvia - LAIPA - Latvijas Izpildītāju un producentu apvienība - 15. 05. 2013
- Lithuania - AGATA - Lietuvos gretutinių teisių asociacija/Lithuanian neighbouring rights association - 16. 01. 2013
- Netherlands - SENA - Stichting ter Exploitatie van Naburige Rechten - 01. 03. 2011
- North Macedonia - MMI - 20. 12 2014
- Poland - STOART - Organizacja Zbiorowego Zarządzania - 14. 02. 2006
- Portugal - GDA - Cooperativa de Gestao dos Direitos dos Artistas Interpretes ou Executantes - 12. 03. 2012
- Romania - CREDIDAM - 22. 01 2015
- Serbia - Organizacija PI - Organizacija za kolektivno ostvarivanje prava interpretatora - 01. 06. 2011
- Slovakia - SLOVGRAM - Nezávislá spoločnosť výkonných umelcov a výrobcov zvukových a zvukovo-obrazových záznamov - 23. 02. 2018
- South Korea - FKMP - Federation of Korean Music Performers - 14. 05. 2013
- Spain - AIE - Sociedad de Artistas Intérpretes o Ejecutantes de España - 18. 02. 2014
- Sweden - SAMI - Svenska Artisters och Musikers Intresseorganisation - 28. 12. 2011
- Ukraine - UMA - Association of Enterprises Ukrainian Music alliance - 17. 09. 2013
- Ukraine - UMRL - Association of Enterprises Ukrainian Music Rights League - 17. 09. 2013
Agreements of representation with foreign collecting societies – producers of phonograms
- Albania - GRAMM-A - Agency for Collective Administration and Protection of Phonograms and Videograms - 27. 04. 2021
- Bulgaria - PROPHON - Collecting society of neighbouring rights of phonogram producers and performing artists in private interest - 17. 05. 2010
- Croatia - ZAPRAF - Udruga za zaštitu, prikupljanje i raspodjelu naknada fonogramskih prava - 07. 07. 2010
- Czech Republic - INTERGRAM - an independent society of performers and producers of phonograms and audiovisual fixations, z.s. - 29. 11. 2017
- Danmark - GRAMEX - 26. 11 2013
- Estonia - EFÜ - Eesti Fonogramitootjate Uhing - 22. 11. 2004
- Georgia - GCA - Georgian Copyright Association - 12. 02. 2019
- Great Britain - PPL - Phonographic Performance Limited - 13. 12. 2019
- Hungary - MAHASZ - Magyar Hanglemezkiadók Szövetsége - 13. 02. 2010
- Italy - ITSRIGHT s. r. l. - 12. 02 2015
- Italy - SCF - Societa Consortile Fonografici Per Azioni - 01. 04. 2005
- Kazakhstan - AMANAT - Non-commercial organization on protection of copyright and related rights "AMANAT" - 12. 02. 2016
- Kazakhstan - KAPP - Kazakhstan Association on Protection of Performers and producers of phonograms - 03. 02. 2010
- Kosovo - APIK - 08. 07. 2014
- Latvia - LAIPA - Latvijas Izpildītāju un producentu apvienība - 10. 02. 2014
- Lithuania - AGATA - Lietuvos gretutinių teisių asociacija/Lithuanian neighbouring rights association - 16. 01. 2013
- Netherlands - SENA - Stichting ter Exploitatie van Naburige Rechten - 26. 05. 2011
- North Macedonia - MMI - 20. 12 2014
- RPA - The Russian Phonographic Association - 01. 12. 2005
- Serbia - O.F.P.S. - Organizacija proizvođača fonograma Srbije - 01. 03. 2010
- Ukraine - UMA - Association of Enterprises Ukrainian Music alliance - 17. 09. 2013
- Ukraine - UMRL - Association of Enterprises Ukrainian Music Rights League - 17. 09. 2013
IPF, k.o.
concludes new
international agreements
every year.